Canal Days Mini Queen Contest

Bug put on her best dress and entered the Canal Days Mini Queen Contest. Before the contest, Bug told Mommy & Daddy that it even if she didn't win, she would have fun. What a great attitude! She showed no hesitation getting up in front of a large crowd and being interviewed. Bug had a vibrancy to her with a good tone of voice and confidence. This is how the interview went:

Bug: Hi, my name is *Bug*!

Announcer: How old are you?

Bug: Good (some chuckles from the crowd)

Announcer: How old are you?

Bug: I am four, I went swimming. (more chuckles)

Announcer: Sounds like you want to say something

Bug: I played duck, duck, goose

Announcer: Who did you play with??

Bug: Nobody (laughs from the crowd)

Announcer: Oh you played by yourself?

Bug: Yea

Announcer: Do you have any pets?

Bug: Dandy (our cat Andy she renamed Dandy)

Announcer: Is that a cat or dog?

Bug: Cat

Announcer: Is it an inside or outside cat

Bug: Outside

Announcer: Thank you !! That was **Bug** (whispers from the crowd.. "she's so adorable")

  • Bug was patiently waiting to take the stage.

  • Making her amazing speech

  • Bug with Papaw & Grandma

  • Recieving her trophy and flower

  • Bug & Bee and Bee's little sister Rissa

The winners were chosen by random drawing of colored flowers. Bug did not win, but she didn't really even notice. Each contestant was given a trophy and a big bag full of goodies. All of the contestants get to ride in the Canal Days parade also. The contest is a great experience for Bug. Shows her confidence in herself and public speaking even at an early age. Bug's Grandma & Papaw came to watch and also Bug's best friend Bee. Everyone is so proud of her!

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