Bug's class went to COSI for their first field trip. The bus ride was eventful as one bus broke down on the way there. The kiddos didn't seem to notice though. They were too busy socializing. Bug was in a group of 5 chaperoned by Mommy, Daddy and two other chaperones Uncle Millsie and Tiffany. The first stop was space. The kids had fun going into the imitation space shuttle. After lunch, it was time for the anticipated stop to see Clifford's learning center. Then onto Gadgets playing with the fun floating balls and down to the car lift which was the favorite by many of the kids. Last and wettest place was Ocean. With a neat atmosphere, the children had so much fun experimenting with water and getting inside a submarine submerged into water. With not a minute to spare the kiddos made it to the bus. After loading the kids onto the bus, Bug and Neeke got to go back into the museum and play in the kidspace. After leaving the museum, Bug and Neeke got to ride home together giggling and playing in the backseat. To continue a busy day, Bug just made it on time to dance class. It was also the last day of the fair and Bug begged to go. So off she went to the fair. Needless to say, she was one tired girl that night!
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