Every year, Fair time is a quite a big deal in town. Bug had several days off school for fair week. Like all the rest of the children, she couldn't miss it. Bug met her best friend Bee and her sister Rissa at the fair. The girls got there early and rode all the rides, looked at all the animals, smelled all the fresh produce and enjoyed some yummy watermelon. A break from the fair and a nap was needed at one o'clock but Bug returned with Mommy & Daddy several hours later to ride all the rides again and eat yummy fair food. Bug enjoyed a corndog for the first time and got cotton candy to eat on the way home. Daddy & Bug also played games and won a couple stuffed animals, necklaces and a pretty crown! Read about last year's fair week
HERE. It's amazing how much Bug has grown and matured since years past. She is so independant and enjoys the world around her whomever shes with and whatever she is doing.
This was Bug's favorite ride but Mommy & Daddy were terrified to let her ride it. Sometime's they just have to let go.
Bug requested to ride Charismo, which is Mommy's friend Kevin's therepy pony.
Daddy loves carrying Bug like this but she's getting too big :( Daddy threw out his back getting her off his shoulders.
This is Bug relaxing after the fair. Can you tell she is a bit zoned out and tired?
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